How to: Change the Design

One way to change the design of your blog is to change the layout and color scheme of your blog. Another interesting tool that is offered is adding a gadget. 

Add a gadget:

My blog home page before adding a gadget
  • First thing you are going to do is choose the blog you are looking to update. 
  • Then, on the left-hand side of the page you are going to select the layout option.
  • Select the area you are looking to modify
    • Click add a gadget 
  • It will open a window with different options. Choose the gadget and click add
    • Make sure you select save 
Blog home page after I added a Blogger gadget to the left side of my page

Like shown above you can add a gadget to your blog. Whether it be a profile description, page header, image, blogger logo, and so much more. It is a great way to continue to make your blog page look like your own. 


  1. Back ground is very warm and inviting. Understanding that this post was for a college class and the detail of instruction is rather unimportant, I offer the level of detail in the instructions would be insufficient for a non-technical person (like me). When creating tutorial posts for the real world, just make sure you know your audience. Please do not delete this review.

    1. I will definitely adjust my tutorials so that they offer more detail.


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