
Showing posts from March, 2023

How to: Change the Design

One way to change the design of your blog is to change the layout and color scheme of your blog. Another interesting tool that is offered is adding a gadget.  Add a gadget: First thing you are going to do is choose the blog you are looking to update.  Then, on the left-hand side of the page you are going to select the layout option. Select the area you are looking to modify Click add a gadget  It will open a window with different options. Choose the gadget and click add Make sure you select save  Like shown above you can add a gadget to your blog. Whether it be a profile description, page header, image, blogger logo, and so much more. It is a great way to continue to make your blog page look like your own. 

How to: Sign into Multiple Accounts

Have you ever wanted to have multiple Blogger accounts? Maybe you would like to have a personal blogger account and one for work. If you  sign in to multiple accounts , it gives you access to do that. Follow the steps below to learn how to do this.  Add another account: First you are going to sign into your Blogger account.  In the top right-hand corner, click on the profile icon It will either show an initial or a profile image.  After selecting this icon, click add another account. From here you can sign into the account you would like to add. 

How to: Add Images and Videos

 Adding illustrations to your blog make your posts more appealing to your audience and can help get your message across. With that, I am going to show you how to add images & videos to your blog .  Adding an image: To add an image to your blog post you will either create a post or select a post to edit.  At the top of the page you should see a toolbar, click on insert an image.  After clicking that you are able to choose where you want to upload the image from.  Select the image or images and then click insert . Remember you can change the size, create a caption, and align the image after you add it.  Adding a video: Again, select either create a post or select a post you want to edit.  At the top of the page you should see a toolbar, click on insert a video. Click on where you want to upload the video from. (YouTube or from your computer) Select the video and hit insert . Now you are ready to start creating blogs with images and videos. Remember that imagery can be a very importan

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Posts

 Now that you have created a blogger account you may be wondering how to create a post. In the steps below you will learn to create, edit, manage, or delete a post.  These are features that you can use at any time.  Creating a post: Once you log onto your Blogger account, on the left hand side, you will select "New Post"  From here you are able to start creating your post. Remember that there is an option to preview the post you are working on. Once you have finished typing your post you are now able to either save to draft or publish.  Editing a post: When you are on your blogger page, you will locate the post you are looking to edit. Once you have identified the post you wanted to edit, click on the title.  Make the changes you need to  After you are done making your changes there is one of two things you will need to do If the post has been published:  click update or revert to draft If the post has not been published: click on either publish or save.  Deleting a post: On

How to: Change Your Blog Design

An important thing to do when blogging is to make your blog page your own. One way to customize your blog is to  Use themes to change how your blog looks .  Choosing a theme: From your Blog page, you should see a menu on the left side of the page Make sure that you are selected on the blog page you are looking to customize In the menu select the Theme option On the theme page there are plenty of options to choose from. Once you select a theme you like, make sure you click Apply  at the bottom. After selecting apply the theme is now active on your page. You can scroll back up to the top of the Theme page to further customize the theme. This includes more advanced color, background, and gadget options. 

How to: Create a Blog

A great place to create and make your very own blog is through Blogger. Follow the steps provided below to  Create a blog   Creating a Page: Go to the  Blogger  website. Once you have arrived at the home page, select "Create Your Blog". Make sure you have a Gmail account to sign in with.  Once you have created an account it is time to select a name for your blog  Following this, you will now be creating a URL  Afterward, you will be asked to confirm your display name  Finally, when you have completed all the steps above you will just need to select "Finish" and it is time for you to start blogging!